ORM in Digital Marketing – An Interview with Aayushi Joshi, ORM Expert

ORM (Online Reputation Management) is one of the most exciting and critical aspects of digital marketing. You would remember the phrase “Log kya kahenge?” (What will people say?). Earlier people used to speak about things when they meet or over phone calls. Technology has enabled people to speak up whenever they want, whatever they feel instantly on social media, online forums, reviews, etc.

Online Reputation Management is all about what are people speaking about you on the internet! If a brand is having a bad reputation, how to move from bad to good 🙂 Reputations are made and devastated quickly in this digital age and it becomes essential for brands to maintain a positive reputation both online and offline.  Here the Online Reputation Management takes place! 

In this interview, I got this wonderful opportunity to interview an Online Reputation Management Expert – Aayushi Joshi.

Who is Aayushi Joshi?

Aayushi Joshi is an ORM expert with around 9 years of industry experience. She is currently freelancing and looking forward to opening her own firm. She has worked in various agencies and with several clients. Her expertise lies in Social listening and Response Management, Client Presentation, Social and data Analytics, Employee Training, and Client Training. Let us explore more about her in this interview.

Expert Speaks – Interview with ORM Expert Aayushi Joshi

#1. You started your career as an Assistant Quality Manager. Tell us something about it and how did you switch to ORM?

I have started my career as a Content Analyst in ORM itself. In the same company, I have promoted as Assistant Quality Manager.

It was the starting phase of my career in Online Reputation Management which had helped me in learning and implementing the strategies I have learned. That was a challenging yet happening phase of my career.

#2. How was your experience working with various organizations? What are your key takeaways?

My experience working with multiple organizations was completely different and helped me in my learning. I have worked for Corporate Company and Digital agencies both.

Key takeaways are being confident in your work and never stop learning. ORM is very crucial for every brand and companies search for the best agencies having ORM experts with great experience and crisis handling skills.

Representing the brand to social media is a challenge as it makes or breaks the brand value.

#3. How can one start a career as ORM Manager? What are the responsibilities of the Online Reputation Manager?

Being a manager is a tough job, especially in ORM!

As a manager, he/she has to take control of everything happening in their department. Responsibilities of an ORM Manager is not a cakewalk, it can be one if a person is capable enough of managing people and has to know the complete process.

ORM manager has to keep themselves updated in terms of new technologies that are being used in the market and have to be very specific in response management. His/her understanding towards the client should be clear as manager is the one who will represent the client on behalf of the agency. By technology, I mean new tools, which are better, and what all reports it can retrieve from social platforms, etc. And yes, ORM manager should be well-versed with the Reporting.

Also, the ORM manager should very well understand the key digital marketing trends in the market.

#4. Are SEO and ORM interdependent?

Yes. Both are Interdependent as both works on Keywords. The right keywords fetch the relevant data from social platforms which makes the work easier.

#5. What is social listening?

Social Listening is nothing but Online Reputation Management as I said Social Listening helps the brand to understand its market value. So accordingly, they can improve their strategies which can help to improve the brand’s value against their competitors. 

#6. What is the future of ORM? Scope & jobs in India?

According to my understanding, the future in ORM is very bright. Many new Online Reputation Management tools have come into the market. They are in demand already.

As said every new product/ new brand needs to know the market value before planning ahead. Here ORM plays a vital role to get that analysis.

As digital marketing is booming, things are getting online and when things will go online, ORM will be required. There is a good scope of Online Reputation Management in India.

#7. You are a BMM (Advertising). How much has your degree helped you in your current role?

Graduation is important in life, yes BMM had helped me initially to understand the ORM and crack interviews later on experience is the key to handle the situations.

Experience teaches you the analytical skills which help in analyzing the brand. It gives a clear vision of what you have done and what can you do to improve the ORM for the organization in the future.

#8. What are a few of the best ORM tools?

Every tool has its role.

One of the best ORM tools which I have worked is “Social Studio”. It is a part of Radian 6. Other than this, “Brand Watch” has good features in terms of reporting/listening.

There are other tools like “Simplify 360”,” Loco buzz” and many more.

#9. Can you share your favorite online reputation management case study?

In my work experience, I have loved to work on the laptop brand “Lenovo” as it has taught me many new things in ORM.

Also, I had got the chance to go live on social channels with the Lenovo laptop CEO and CMO to handle the live customer issues. It was a service campaign led by Lenovo where ORM had a very crucial role. Here, we had to show how Lenovo’s service is fast in resolving and answering customer queries. This is the next level of Online Reputation Management. I am glad that I was the part of this live ORM.

#10. Why is it important to take care of online reputation? Why does one need online reputation management?

In Digital India, brands are more live on Social platforms. If any customer has written anything negative for the brand, it is Important for that brand to solve that issue first.

It just takes a few seconds for things to get viral on social media and it hampers the brand value. This is a key reason why brands need to focus on Online Reputation Management.

#11. As you know, I am interviewing experts and industry leaders like you. #ExpertSpeaks is a platform to share stories of experts to enlighten people who are aspiring to enter the digital marketing industry. Would you like to share some feedback on this idea?

It is a great initiative that you have taken.

#ExpertSpeaks will help many freshers who are confused in terms of taking a decision about whether to opt for ORM or other aspects of digital marketing. It will give them a clear picture of what to do in this domain.

Every platform in the digital world has new roles and new challenges. Expert Speaks will help them to explore various roles in this industry and then make a wise choice as per their interest.


Thank you for such insightful answers Aayushi. Online Reputation Management is booming and your answers will help a lot of people who are looking ahead to make a career in this field.

Dear readers, if you are looking forward to making a career in Online Reputation Management and have any queries then you can reach out to Aayushi on her LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/aayushi-joshi-86217a33/

Also, if you want me to interview any other experts, please do reach out to me or just comment below.

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